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Sunday, February 9, 2014

Milkmaid Jello Pudding. ..

Milkmaid Jello Pudding. 

  • My First Post is a Recipe you can Easily made from the ingredients available in Sri Lanka.I got all the Ingredients from Arpico Super center. You can also get these from All the Super Keels outlets, Cargills and KZONES. 
  • Try this for your kids and All at Home. Its Yummy, and Easy..

Recipe :

  1. 01 Large tin of milkmaid 
  2. Any 02 types of Jelly flavors (I prefer Strawberry and Apple flavors from Motha) 
  3. Smarties and Icing Creations for the decorations 

Method : 

  1. - Make two Jelly and leave it to get set. 
  2. - After the Jelly gets set take one out of the container and cut into small pieces. 
  3. -Add half a Milkmaid and the One type of jelly into the blender and blend well. 
  4. -Then add the blended mixture into a glass bowl and do the same with the other jelly as well. 
  5. -Add the blended jelly mixture on top of jelly mixture in the bowl. 
  6. -Decorate as your preference. 

Tada!! Here comes the Jello Pudding!!     Check This for more....